Inbound + Digital Marketing
Most Information Technology (IT) companies understand the need for a company blog but struggle with curating topics that are both valuable and engaging for their audience. To help spark inspiration, our IT marketing firm shares 13 blog post ideas below.
1. How-to Post
Let’s start the list by discussing the most common type of blog post – a “how to.”
Write a series of blog posts outlining a step-by-step process for how to solve common challenges you see customers facing each day. There is likely a whole new audience of people who have similar questions but are turning to Google for their answer.
By finding your blog post through their search queries your IT company grows brand awareness and thought leadership.
2. Case Studies
Case studies are a great way to showcase how your brand, products, or services solved a customer’s challenge. It serves as a real-world example of how organizations can serve to benefit from working with your IT company by walking through your process from start to finish.
3. Product + Service Updates
A large part of having an IT company blog is to educate customers on new services, solutions, and ways to use technology (IE: product updates or features). The article can simply summarize:
- The name of the product update.
- What problems the update will solve.
- The benefit of the update for the end-user.
- Any necessary steps the end-user must take.
4. Product Reviews
A great way for IT organizations to build their company blog page is by reviewing products – whether it be their own or others in the industry. By sharing different opinions, brands can build credibility and help readers choose the right product based on expert recommendations.
5. Content Survey

What questions would you ask your customers or industry peers if you had the chance? The answers would likely make for a compelling blog post or even a series of posts. Take for example this content survey created by CXtec.
This organization polled members of the IT community to see how their organizations handle areas such as data security and hybrid support. The life cycle management company repurposed the survey results to create blog posts, infographics, and videos.
6. Current Trends
The IT industry is continuously evolving. As you stay up to date on current trends, use a company blog to share this information with readers. This can serve as an opinion piece on the progressions made or simply explain how these trends will impact the future of the industry.
7. Video Tutorials
If writing long-form content is not your cup of tea, consider adding video blog posts to your thought-leadership page. In fact, 72% of customers actually prefer to learn about products or services by watching a video than reading text-based content.
You are likely to have conversations with your customers every day that can easily be translated into video. Heck, any of the blog post ideas our IT marketing company mention in this post can be repurposed as video content.
8. Event or Trade Show Recap
If team members from your IT firm attend a tech conference, trade show, or webinar, your company blog is a great place to recap insights learned from these events. Not only can this be a great resource for others in the industry, but the blog recap can be helpful for co-workers who were unable to attend.
9. Pro and Con Lists

It can be helpful to weigh the pros and cons of why customers should consider certain products or services. Helpful pro and con list blog post topics for the IT community include:
- The Pros and Cons of Building a Software as Service (SaaS) Offering
- The Advantages and Disadvantages of Machine Learning
- Cybersecurity: Explaining the Pros and Cons of hiring a CISO
10. Myths in the IT Industry
Every industry has common “myths” that must be debunked. The information technology sector is no exception.
Take a second to think about what misconceptions people have that are stopping them from using your type of products or services. Then, write a blog post making a strong case of why they were either misinformed or should reconsider.
11. Customer Testimonials
Your IT company likely has a slew of customer testimonials featured on your website. Why not repurpose this featured content into a blog post? Not only does it help highlight a success story, but customer testimonials are written by an unbiased third party that readers can trust.
12. Common Mistakes
Did you know, blog post titles with negative keywords have a 63% higher click-through rate than those with positive keywords?
Use this to your advantage by commenting on common mistakes made by the IT community and how to fix them.
Here are a few example blog post titles with negative keywords:
- 5 Common Problems with the Implementation of SaaS and How to Fix It
- 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
- Most Common Data Backup Mistakes in 2020
13. Blog Round-Up
What are some of your favorite resources when expanding your knowledge of the IT space? Do you turn to books, white papers, social media groups, and YouTube videos? No matter what it is, your readers will appreciate a blog recommending other outlets they can rely on to learn more. Think about a set of blogs you've already written on similar topics, these also make a great CTA resource for lead gen purposes. Just package them together, create a table of contents, and add an intro to discuss your topics. Bam, done.
13 Blog Ideas; So What are You Waiting for?
Armed with 13 ideas of blog content, you've got one for every month of the year and an extra for good measure. Next step: build your content calendar with this template or work with MDCo to build your strategy.