Build a Brand with Purpose

Inspire Your Community

Your brand is the cornerstone of your business identity. It’s what sets you apart in the crowded marketplace and establishes a deep connection with your audience. Ignoring or underestimating the power of your brand can hinder your growth and leave you indistinguishable from the competition. That’s where MarketDesign comes in.

Exclusive IT Industry Focus

At MarketDesign, we specialize in working with IT companies to craft compelling and authentic brands. Our customer on-site brand workshop is designed to dive deep into your company’s culture, uncover your true purpose, and refine your messaging to resonate powerfully with your community. Our goal is to transform your brand into a beacon that attracts, engages, and inspires.

Comprehensive Brand Services

Whether you’re starting from scratch with a completely new logo or seeking to refresh your messaging and tagline, MarketDesign offers a comprehensive suite of brand services tailored to your unique needs. Our three-step rebrand process ensures a thorough and strategic approach:

  1. Verbalize: Define your Company

    Discovery Sessions: Engage in in-depth discussions to understand your company's mission, values, and vision.

    Brand Story Development: Craft a compelling narrative that communicates who you are and what you stand for.

    Message Alignment: Ensure all your communication aligns with your core values and resonates with your target audience.

  2. Visualize: Identify your Company

    Logo Design: Create a memorable and impactful logo that embodies your brand’s essence.

    Visual Identity: Develop a cohesive visual language, including color schemes, typography, and imagery, that reflects your brand’s personality.

    Brand Guidelines: Establish a set of guidelines to maintain consistency across all visual elements and communications.

  3. Vocalize: Bring your Company to Life

    Tagline Creation: Develop a succinct and powerful tagline that captures your brand’s promise.

    Marketing Materials: Design and produce branded marketing materials, from business cards to brochures, that leave a lasting impression.

    Digital Presence: Enhance your online presence with a brand-aligned website, social media profiles, and digital content strategy.

Let's start the conversation

Your brand deserves the best, and MarketDesign is here to help you achieve greatness. Ready to take the next step? Simply fill out the form, and a MarketDesign team member will schedule a call with you to discuss your needs and how we can elevate your brand.

Join the ranks of IT companies that have transformed their brands with MarketDesign. Let's unlock your full potential and inspire your community together.